Training room in Frankfurt (Oder) © Matthias Eckert
Vocational qualification in ODERLAND-SPREE

What happens after graduation? The region offers a wide range of vocational training and continuing education opportunities in various fields as well as languages and soft skills. This enables companies to proactively secure skilled workers and recruit young talent according to their needs. The IHK Ostbrandenburg and the Handwerkskammer Frankfurt (Oder) Region Ostbrandenburg provide competent assistance with vocational qualifications in ODERLAND-SPREE.

The establishment of new companies increases not only the number but also the variety of training opportunities offered by dual vocational training. This benefits the region's young people and the entire labor market.

ROBERT RADZIMANOWSKI | Department Head Regional Policy, IHK Ostbrandenburg

Training and study fairs

Logo CareerCompass - Training and Study Fair


Numerous companies, authorities and universities present themselves annually in May on 2 days in the Giebelseehalle in Petershagen to over 2.000 visitors, in order to win potential apprentices, coworkers and students for itself

Current dates and information |

Training Catalog B.O.C.K. 2023/2024
The guide to apprenticeships, internships and vacation jobs in Märkisch-Oderland is available from STIC and at regional training fairs.

Logo of the join-in event Startzeit


The JOIN-IN EVENTS in Fürstenwalde/Spree, Frankfurt (Oder) and Eisenhüttenstadt of Startzeit, which take place three times a year, are made for young people from the region who are looking for a training company, employer, place to study, offers in the field of dual studies or for a suitable counseling service.

Current dates and information |

Training Catalog 2022/2023

Vocational training centers in the region

Digitize education © Walter Wiedenhofer/Pixabay

QualificationCENTRUM of the economy

Location in Eisenhüttenstadt

Technical education © Phynart Studio/istockphoto

Europaschule OSZ Oder-Spree

Located in Eisenhüttenstadt and Fürstenwalde/Spree

  • Vocational training in the dual system for a variety of specialties

  • Vocational school 2-year full-time training

Blood pressure monitor and stetoscope © Bruno/Pixabay

Health and Nursing Professions School

Location in Eisenhüttenstadt

  • Vocational training for nursing specialists, health and nursing assistance, physiotherapy, pharmaceutical technical assistance and medical technology for laboratory analysis

  • Further education for physiotheraoie, occupational therapy and nursing

  • With attached dormitory

Master craftsman training © istockphoto

HWK Education Center and Vocational Training Center

Located in Frankfurt (Oder) and Hennickendorf

  • Further education and training or master training

  • For electrical engineering, hairdressing / cosmetics, automotive engineering, metal construction, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, business administration / administration

Training workshop in Frankfurt (Oder) © Matthias Eckert

bbw Education Center East Brandenburg

Locations in Frankfurt (Oder) and Märkisch-Oderland

  • In commercial, media, IT, sales and marketing
  • Qualifications in dealing with high-voltage, photovoltaic and energy storage technology


A young woman writes notes in a notebook in front of a laptop computer © Hagar Lotte Geyer/Pixabay

German Employees Academy (DAA)

Locations in Frankfurt (Oder) and Strausberg

  • Further education and training in the commercial, health and social sectors
  • Certified further training courses for user software

Training workshop © AdobeStock

Fürstenwalde Training and Further Education Center

Location in Fürstenwalde/Spree

  • Vocational training center for initial training, vocational preparation, combined training and advanced training

  • Welding technical course center

  • Training in the social field and further training as an educator

Nursing education © peopleimages/AdobeStock

Vocational School of Social Work of Samaritan Institutions

Location in Fürstenwalde/Spree

  • Training courses for educators, curative education nurses, social assistants and remedial teachers


06.07.2024 | Frankfurt (Oder)

Brandenburg Summer of Reading in the City and Regional Library

This year's summer vacations will also see the Brandenburg Summer of Reading. The aim of this reading initiative is to encourage children and young people to enjoy reading. In addition to a variety of new books exclusively for participants, there will also be various events on offer. All children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 can take part. Participation in the summer of reading is free of charge.
