Graphic of pencil and globe



Graphic innovation (glowing light bulb with gear)


Focuses in
all disciplines

Graphic school

Close to home

Daycare and schools
throughout the region

In ODERLAND-SPREE, diversity is the order of the day. Whether kindergarten, school, training or study - our educational institutions are characterized by a large number of different profiles and offers. Unique in Brandenburg and in Germany is the promotion of German-Polish multilingualism, which is already lived in kindergarten. Educational institutions with a focus on sports, arts, social, language and MINT subjects characterize our school landscape. And the Viadrina in the heart of the twin city is a university whose international orientation is pioneering and unique.

Truth in itself is precious, but even more precious is the skill of finding it.

ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT (1769-1859) | German naturalist and former student of the Viadrina

Current dates

06.10.2024–12.10.2024 |

German-Swedish-Finnish educational exchange

At the invitation of the education offices of the cities of Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder) and Potsdam and with the support of the Regional Development Agency for Municipal Education Management (REAB) Brandenburg, guests from the Finnish-Swedish twin city of Tornio-Haparanda will be visiting the region from October 6 to 12, 2024 to exchange knowledge in the field of adult education. The main focus will be on exchanging information on the topics of digital education, historical-political education, qualifications in the education sector, coexistence of different cultures, multilingualism and the approaches and foundations of the education systems in Finland and Sweden.


Current News

04.09.2024 | Frankfurt (Oder)

Start training and studying at the city administration

On Monday, September 2, 2024, Lord Mayor René Wilke welcomed 17 young men and women who will begin their training or dual studies at the city administration of Frankfurt (Oder) with immediate effect or from October. The trainees and students will complete the practical part of their training or studies in the specialist offices of the municipal administration or in the rescue station and at Frankfurt (Oder) Hospital.
