Graphic of pencil and globe



Graphic innovation (glowing light bulb with gear)


Focuses in
all disciplines

Graphic school

Close to home

Daycare and schools
throughout the region

In ODERLAND-SPREE, diversity is the order of the day. Whether kindergarten, school, training or study - our educational institutions are characterized by a large number of different profiles and offers. Unique in Brandenburg and in Germany is the promotion of German-Polish multilingualism, which is already lived in kindergarten. Educational institutions with a focus on sports, arts, social, language and MINT subjects characterize our school landscape. And the Viadrina in the heart of the twin city is a university whose international orientation is pioneering and unique.

Truth in itself is precious, but even more precious is the skill of finding it.

ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT (1769-1859) | German naturalist and former student of the Viadrina

Current dates

Current News

06.07.2024 | Frankfurt (Oder)

Brandenburg Summer of Reading in the City and Regional Library

This year's summer vacations will also see the Brandenburg Summer of Reading. The aim of this reading initiative is to encourage children and young people to enjoy reading. In addition to a variety of new books exclusively for participants, there will also be various events on offer. All children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 can take part. Participation in the summer of reading is free of charge.
