More than
150 schools
Learn Polish
in kindergarten and school
Diverse profiles of secondary schools
Kindergarten without long waiting times, elementary schools close to home, secondary schools with a variety of orientations: In ODERLAND-SPREE there is a suitable educational offer for every age. The German-Polish orientation with numerous cross-border activities is unique.
From daycare to high school graduation
In ODERLAND-SPREE there is a comprehensive and very differentiated offer. The subsequent elementary school years continue for all children until the sixth grade. All-day schools are widespread, after-school care is possible up to the fourth grade. The secondary schools - whether high school, comprehensive school or grammar school - all have their own profile and enable learning according to individual inclinations and competencies.
The Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Gymnasium is a mathematics, science and technology special school of the state of Brandenburg and is certified as a STEM Excellence Center in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The college has developed pedagogical guidelines for its concept-related work, at the center of which is the holistic promotion of interested, gifted and highly talented children and adolescents, especially in the mathematical-scientific-technical field.
DR. RITA LANGE | headmistress of the municipal high school Carl Friedrich Gauß in Frankfurt (Oder),
Mathematical-scientific-technical special school and STEM Excellence Center