Five children look through colorful hoops © anatolis/istockphoto
Learning together
Graphic school

More than
150 schools

Graphic language

Learn Polish
in kindergarten and school

Graphic of secondary schools

Diverse profiles of secondary schools

Kindergarten without long waiting times, elementary schools close to home, secondary schools with a variety of orientations: In ODERLAND-SPREE there is a suitable educational offer for every age. The German-Polish orientation with numerous cross-border activities is unique.

From daycare to high school graduation

In ODERLAND-SPREE there is a comprehensive and very differentiated offer. The subsequent elementary school years continue for all children until the sixth grade. All-day schools are widespread, after-school care is possible up to the fourth grade. The secondary schools - whether high school, comprehensive school or grammar school - all have their own profile and enable learning according to individual inclinations and competencies.

The Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Gymnasium is a mathematics, science and technology special school of the state of Brandenburg and is certified as a STEM Excellence Center in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The college has developed pedagogical guidelines for its concept-related work, at the center of which is the holistic promotion of interested, gifted and highly talented children and adolescents, especially in the mathematical-scientific-technical field.

DR. RITA LANGE | headmistress of the municipal high school Carl Friedrich Gauß in Frankfurt (Oder),
Mathematical-scientific-technical special school and STEM Excellence Center

06.07.2024 | Frankfurt (Oder)

Brandenburg Summer of Reading in the City and Regional Library

This year's summer vacations will also see the Brandenburg Summer of Reading. The aim of this reading initiative is to encourage children and young people to enjoy reading. In addition to a variety of new books exclusively for participants, there will also be various events on offer. All children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 can take part. Participation in the summer of reading is free of charge.

Graphic Alliance for Families

Daycare centers, nurseries and schools
in Märkisch-Oderland

Graphic future children

Education in Oderland-Spree