Study group at the Europa Universität Viadrina in conversation © Heide Fest
Study internationally and practically
Presence offices of the universities of the state Brandenburg - Fürstenwalde

The networking of science, society and regional economy is important to us and will be further intensified:

  • European University Viadrina and Technical University Wildau with a university presence in Fürstenwalde/Spree
  • Transfer of knowledge with creative formats and Citizen Science
  • the team of the presence office networks companies in the entire Brandenburg science landscape

Presence office of the universities of the state of Brandenburg
(Präsenzstelle der Hochschulen des Landes Brandenburg)

Julius-Pintsch-Ring 3
15517 Fürstenwalde/Spree

Phone +49 (0)3361 71134-24

Students in front of the Europa-Universität Viadrina © Heide Fest

Study internationally
at the European University Viadrina

The trademark of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) is its internationality. People from more than 100 countries study and work here. Foreign language offerings and stays abroad are a matter of course. With small seminars and direct contact to the lecturers, the Viadrina offers excellent study conditions. The range of courses covers law, cultural studies and economics.

Read more: European University Viadrina

Education seems to me the only goal, that of aspiration,
truth the only wealth worthy of possession.

HEINRICH VON KLEIST (1777-1811) | poet and former student of the Viadrina

Logistics Master's Program © Matthias Friel/TH Wildau

Dual Study with a Practice Partner

Who would like to study dual, find in ODERLAND-SPREE numerous companies of different industries for the practical training. And also for the enterprises their commitment as practice partners pays off in the long term in the skilled worker safety device.

Read more: Dual Study

Library of the Collegium Polonicum with the logo of the European New School of Digital Studies © Stadtmarketing Frankfurt (Oder)

European New School of Digital Studies

The European New School of Digital Studies is a cooperation of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the Collegium Polonicum places questions and challenges of the digital transformation for society at the center of teaching and research. The excellent Master of Digital Entrepreneurship program, which is unique in Germany, combines social sciences, economics, law, and engineering.

Universities in neighboring regions


06.07.2024 | Frankfurt (Oder)

Brandenburg Summer of Reading in the City and Regional Library

This year's summer vacations will also see the Brandenburg Summer of Reading. The aim of this reading initiative is to encourage children and young people to enjoy reading. In addition to a variety of new books exclusively for participants, there will also be various events on offer. All children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 can take part. Participation in the summer of reading is free of charge.
