Companies need space to develop and produce innovations. However, commercial and industrial sites are rare in the state of Brandenburg. In many places, this situation is not due to a lack of interest on the part of municipalities to designate such areas, but rather due to a lack of know-how. 

The regional management supports municipalities in building up the necessary know-how for the successful development of commercial and industrial areas

Icon Financial promotions

Financial support

The state of Brandenburg offers a number of incentives to help municipalities develop commercial and industrial areas.
You can find more information on funding here

Icon Knowledge

Trainings and events

The regional management and our partners regularly provide helpful and practical tips on the development of commercial and industrial sites in events, training courses and webinars.

Take a look at our calendar of events

Contact pictogram

Consultation on site

In some cases it is necessary to work directly on a concrete example. Do you need support for a specific land development measure?

Please feel free to contact us!