Oder landscape Lebus © Jana Schönknecht/AdobeStock
one region, one brand

ODERLAND-SPREE is an economic region with a lot of potential and room for ideas and challenges. In addition, ODERLAND-SPREE offers a wide range of varied leisure and tourism activities as well as a potpourri of art and culture.

Happy woman with hat and flowers on a field © Seenland Oder-Spree/Florian Läufer

For living, working and feeling good

The ODERLAND-SPREE regional brand was created to communicate our strengths and offerings, promote regional identity and create a high recognition value for our services and products.

  • to place the region at the center
  • to communicate and present all potentials under one roof as a whole
  • to unite companies and service providers from the various sectors in the fields of business, agriculture, tourism, municipalities, culture, leisure, sport, nature, landscape
  • to increase efficiency and expand information through comprehensive management
  • to strengthen the market presence and ensure increased awareness of the region

The diversity reflects the appeal of the ODERLAND-SPREE region

Logo Oderland-Spree © fischundblume

The regional planning office ODERLAND-SPREE is responsible for the implementation of the regional brand management and is happy to answer any questions about the regional brand ODERLAND-SPREE.

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