Cyclists in summer © Stadtmarketing Frankfurt (Oder)

Since 2021, there has been a cooperation agreement between the City of Frankfurt (Oder) and the European University Viadrina, which intensifies interdisciplinary cooperation. In the field of action "Culture and Sport", for example, increased cooperation in the area of sport is planned. This includes, among other things, increased visibility of Frankfurt's sports facilities at the European University Viadrina.

After Corona-related pause, sports events can now take place regularly again and invite people to be active together in clubs and facilities.

To my great pleasure, this year we succeeded in bringing together various players in sports as well as its supporters. Thus, under the auspices of the StadtSportBund Frankfurt (Oder) e. V., a first joint event was organized. The goal is to rediscover or even rekindle cross-generational enthusiasm for sports. After all, exercise in everyday life strengthens the well-being of all of us and is twice as much fun together.

MILENA MANNS | Head of Department for Culture, Education, Sports, Civic Participation and Europe

On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 from 15.00 to 18.30 o'clock, the kick-off event of the sporty summer in Frankfurt on the university campus (Logenstraße) offers the opportunity to try out, for example, in gagaball, table tennis, basketball or small playground equipment. The offers are free of charge.

Sowohl Dezernentin Milena Manns and University Chancellor Robert Nissen will participate like the visitors in various disciplines.

The event is supported by the European University Viadrina, the AStA Viadrina, the USC Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) e. V., the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder), the MehrGenerationenHaus MIKADO, the Sparkasse Oder-Spree, the Frankfurter Sportjugend, the Stadtwerke Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH as well as the city administration Frankfurt (Oder).

Further information about the sports summer