Also in the summer of 2023, schoolchildren in Frankfurt (Oder) can expect a variety of actions and events for leisure activities during the vacations of the state of Brandenburg (July 13 to August 26)

So the vacation calendar for 6- to 13-year-olds with about 65 different offers a program for eventful vacations. The focus is on sports, cultural and health-promoting activities; including canoeing, skateboarding, climbing, K-Pop workshops, producing films, healthy breakfasts and making music. In addition, there are family offerings.

Sun hat, sunglasses, jeans, book and reading glasses © veerasantinithi/Pixabay

Organized the actions of the facilities of the child and youth work, of cultural facilities, different associations as well as enterprises of the city.

The vacation calendar is available in public institutions such as the city and regional library, the German-Polish tourist information, in the youth facilities of the city as well as in the Office for Youth and Social Affairs.

The offers are free of charge for participants and are funded by the Future Package for Physical Activity, Culture and Health.

Further Frankfurt carriers offer 18 additional experiences. In addition belong, thematic Camps, vacations travel, movement, nature and creative offers as well as experience routes. These are promoted among other things over the "action program spare time and vacations" and provide for additional selection.

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More info

Detailed information on the vacation calendar program is available online at or by calling 0335 552-5130.