"Dit könn' wa besser!" is the motto of the 34th Brandenburg Women's Week, in which the city of Frankfurt (Oder) is also participating with various program points from 8 to 21 March 2024.

The focus of the main theme is the encouraging appeal to stand up for democracy and diversity, solidarity and for each other in everyday life. The strength and conviction of a society lies in working together.

For the Frankfurt program

From sports activities to art workshops for girls and women, an exhibition opening and portraits of women to a reading with the writer Carolin Würfel and musical accompaniment by Heike Mildner, the various interests are addressed and awakened.

The program in detail is available online. Flyers are also available at the respective venues.

Contact pictogram


If you have any questions on this topic, please contact Isabell von Dechend 
(Equal Opportunities, Disability and Inclusion Officer):
Telephone 0335 552-1340 | gleichstellung@frankfurt-oder.de