Criminal law expert Thomas Fischer and author Daniela Dahm at Radio Słubfurt

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, the Free Citizens' Radio Słubfurt will open a door on the Living Advent Calendar of the twin city of Frankfurt (Oder)/Słubice.

12:00 p.m.
Thomas Fischer, former federal judge, columnist and Germany-wide authority on criminal law, has agreed to take part in a virtual discussion. If you want to be there and have a few questions answered yourself, come to the Haus der Künste, Lindenstraße 6, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder). The discussion will focus on the connections between criminal law, the media and legislative processes.

4:00 p.m.
The radio studio in the Haus der Künste will be open to all interested parties. If you like, you can also try out the technology and microphones here.

5:00 p.m.
The next virtual talk will follow. The guest is the renowned author and journalist Daniela Dahn, who has known how to stand up to the social and journalistic mainstream with a hot heart and cool analysis for decades. She will also be available to answer questions from the audience.

Both talks will be moderated by Franziska Schneider.

In addition, there will be live music in the studio as well as free glögg, hot chocolate, coffee and tea, Christmas cookies and stollen.