Pupils aged between eight and 13 should register quickly and explore exciting topics at the Children's University at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) from February 28. On four Wednesday afternoons, scientists will hold lectures in the large lecture hall on artificial intelligence that does homework, footballs that fly curves, teachers who can motivate and healthy sleep. Attendance is free of charge. After the lecture, there will be a meal in the canteen for one euro.

Registration at: www.europa-uni.de/kinderuni

Children stand in a circle with colorful illustrations on the topic of knowledge and learning © iStock/Rawpixel

This year's Children's University will kick off on Wednesday, February 28, 4 p.m. with Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker from the European New School of Digital Studies at Viadrina answering the question "What is artificial intelligence (AI)?". During the lecture, the Professor of Law and Ethics of the Digital Society will experiment with AI technologies and show how AI learns and adapts - and how it can even help with homework and learning. Viadrina Vice President Janine Nuyken welcomes the children's university students.

The Children's University Lectures 2024:

Wednesday, February 28, 4 p.m. 
"What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?" 
with Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker (European New School of Digital Studies at Viadrina).

Wednesday, 6 March, 4.00 p.m.
"Physics and soccer - the secret of the banana flank" 
with Dr. Olaf Gutschker (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)

Wednesday, 13 March, 4.00 p.m.
"Why we (don't) do what our teachers say - about leading and motivating" 
with Prof. Dr. Jochen Koch (European University Viadrina)

Wednesday, March 20, 4.00 p.m. 
"Why do we (not) have to sleep?" 
with Beate Wenske (secondary school teacher) and PD Dr. Kai Wohlfarth (BG Klinikum Halle)

The lectures will take place in Lecture Hall 3 in the Gräfin Dönhoff Building of the European University Viadrina, Europaplatz 1, in Frankfurt (Oder).


The Viadrina Children's University is a joint project of Frankfurt citizens. Its patron is the President of the European University Viadrina, Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle. The Children's University is supported by the Lions Club and the Viadrina's Department of University Communication.

Pictogram idea

Further information:

European University Viadrina
Press and Public Relations Department
Phone +49 (0)335 5534 4515