With the information and activation campaign "80 million together for energy change", the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) informs citizens, municipalities and stakeholders about measures to increase energy efficiency and the expansion of renewable energies.

On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the event "Time to Talk – The Citizens' Dialogue Series on Renewable Energy" with Michael Kellner (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection) will take place at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice.

The aim is to enter into direct dialogue with citizens about the expansion of renewable energies in the region: What steps are necessary for this in the future? What opportunities and challenges does the energy transition present locally? What questions do people have about solar energy, wind power and the like?

When and where?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 · 6:00–9:00 p.m.
Collegium Polonicum in Słubice, Ul. Kościuszki 1

Pictogram idea


Further information on the event format and the online registration form can be found on the website energiewechsel.de/buergerdialog.